First, Digital is everywhere.
Only the idea of pivoting to digital sounds outdated and wrong. However, the coronavirus pandemic brought this expression to our everyday lexicon. And it is for a reason.
Early March, it was already clear then that the pandemic would send people to digital channels like never before. Emarketer predicted then that the coronavirus pandemic was likely to boost digital media consumption across the board. Seating on their couches, working remotely, and having digital channels as their only connection to the "outside" world would dramatically change how people interact with reality. Marketers started to strategize ways to deliver personal experiences to clients and customers from a distance exploring the potential of virtual events in a more event-like format.
Voila, pivoting to Digital became the word.
What does it mean?
Essentially it means translating physical into virtual/digital experiences. As much as it makes sense creating digital ways to connect attendees to popular conferences, the idea of pivoting them to Digital was only a temporary solution to a bigger problem.
Oh no! Let's talk about digital again?
Yes. For some marketing executives, Digital is about technology. For others, Digital is a new way of engaging with customers. And for others still, it represents an entirely new way of doing business. But for a few, it means just like a piece of digital media. Unfortunately, for those who think that content is just something displayed on a screen, the pandemic has been devastating. When it comes to marketing, Digital is also a mindset. Being digital is about using data to make better and faster decisions. Combining digital thinking and strategy, and you have the foundation for any marketing activity today.
Deliver and develop.
Digital capability isn't digital thinking. And digital thinking, combined with strategy is only the foundation. Creating real engagement, that type of engagement that raises awareness and moves clients into the buying process, is about knowledge and creativity. Digital is just the vehicle to deliver it. And for agencies to add value to what's delivered, what matters the most is what is developed_ think valuable and relevant great content!
Now, more than ever, creativity is how brands - and agencies - can win the game.
Don't pivot to digital; consider pivoting your company's mindset instead.
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